Prices & Delivery Time

Preise & Lieferzeit

Prices on request - Preise auf Anfrage
Please contact us directly using the contact form below. 
Für Preise/Angebote bitte das untere Kontaktformular nutzen.

Shipping to European countries (mainland) only. 

Commercial customers with a valid VAT number outside Germany can buy free of tax. Alle Preise ohne Versand und ohne Mehrwertsteuer.

Order from UK & US-->
Please contact our UK distributor Nifty Audio.
Order from Norway-->
Bestellung aus der Schweiz-->

Lead time is approximately ten working days + shipping.
None of the shown accessories included.

All designs, features and product specifications are subject to change without notice. Wir behalten uns das Recht vor, technische Änderungen, Ausstattung sowie das Design ohne Vorankündigung zu verändern.

Please notice that all sales are final! B2B only.
You agree to our general terms and conditions - Es gelten unsere AGBs
AGBs / T&Cs download here!

SoundSurface - get your quote here / Preis anfragen


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